Atorus team members will be leading and presenting in several sessions at the upcoming PHUSE US Connect 2022, a conference focused on emerging trends in clinical trial reporting, data science, and regulatory submissions.
Sessions include:
- Harmonizing Your Traditional Workflow With R, presented by Atorus’ Mike Stackhouse and Janssen’s Nick Masel.
Within this industry, programmers are accustomed to standardized workflows. This presentation will highlight strategies to adopt these workflows within an R environment, helping to harmonize processes that may exist within traditional or legacy systems.- Monday, May 2 (OS08)
- 2:00-2:15 p.m. EDT
- Clinical Statistical Reporting in a Multilingual World, presented by Atorus’ Mike Stackhouse and GSK’s Mike Rimler.
To address questions beyond the validation of open source, the project Clinical Statistical Reporting in a Multilingual World has been formed between PHUSE and the R Consortium. This presentation will discuss the project goals as well as the progress made so far on the initial focus — establishing a framework for addressing questions that arise when comparing implementations of statistical procedures between languages.- Monday, May 2 (CS11)
- 4:00-4:15 p.m. EDT
- Aligning the Dots: Simplifying Table Presentation in R, presented by Atorus’ Mike Stackhouse and Maya Gans.
This talk will take a deep dive into Atorus’ open-source package {Tplyr} and how over the last few years, new strengths have been developed in the world of table development. Furthermore, Mike and Maya will explore the jump from Word document to web page and demonstrate how these problems are solvable be it in RTF or HTML.- Tuesday, May 3 (OS09)
- 11:00-11:30 a.m. EDT
- Timber! Creating Logs and Addins for Audit-Ready R Code, presented by Atorus’ Nathan Kosiba and GSK’s Ben Straub.
Through a GSK/Atorus collaboration the {timber} package was created to facilitate logging in a clinical environment with the goal of making code easily traceable and reproducible. This presentation will go over how the Addin for {timber} was built and how others can create similar interfaces with the goal of easing open-source adoption as the pharmaceutical industry continues to embrace open-source solutions.- Wednesday, May 4 (SS03)
- 9:30-9:45 a.m. EDT
- Closing the Gap: Creating an End-to-End R Package Toolkit for the Clinical Reporting Pipeline, presented by Atorus’ Eli Miller and GSK’s Ben Straub.
Currently, an end-to-end toolkit does not exist for delivering the Clinical Reporting Pipeline in R — a unique process to deliver information from clinical drug trials to regulatory agencies for a drug to be granted market approval. Hence, hear more about a unique partnership between Atorus and GSK that was established in the fall of 2020 to develop R packages to help close those gaps in clinical reporting.- Wednesday, May 4 (OS10)
- 11:30-11:45 a.m. EDT
If you’re attending PHUSE 2022, stop by booth #12 to connect!