The Atorus team gave a number of presentations in October and November. Michael Stackhouse, chief innovation officer, and Maya Gans, R and JavaScript developer, attended the CDISC 2021 US Interchange Conference & Trade Show on October 21 to present Leveraging CDISC for Deeper Insights into Table Data with Tplyr, an open-source topic discussion.
Later that month on October 29, Michael presented at PharmaSUG SDE NC 2021. His topic, Industry Projects on the Validation of Open-Source, provided an overview of several different ongoing efforts to overcome the challenges languages like R and Python bring to the area of validation.
On November 4, Maya attended the R/Pharma 2021 Conference and presented Summary Table Rewind: From Source to Summary and Back Again. Her presentation demonstrated how the interactive capabilities of Atorus’ Tplyr can help a user hit rewind and drill into the source data that lead to a summary data point.